Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New America

This morning I walked into an office of all white counterparts and was thrilled to say that my candidate won the Democratic nomination. I got several dirty looks and was told that my happiness was inappropriate because it showed that there was a problem in this country. My blood began to boil fast but I held my tongue momentarily. I thought to myself . . . Isn't your reaction even more evidence of that fact. So I settled myself and chose my words wisely. "I don't expect anyone in this office to understand my excitement. This is more than a nomination. History was made and this is my history." You could've heard a pin drop. I'm still a little peeved by the blatant statements that were made and am wondering is there ever really going to be a change. Obama is more than just a Black man (yes we know he's a product of an interracial relationship but let's be real). He's an incredible candidate for the presidency and yes I just happen to be thrilled that my race has been represented more than well! And Michelle is an incredible example of a Black woman in support of her husband. The representation that we've received as a race has been exquisite. Why is my excitement inappropriate?


Ashley M. said...

My sister emailed me this response -

Barak brings hope to our culture. Every invention stolen, every thing that made our culture a culture has been taken, or stolen. This is supposed to be, if black people didn't know their God given destiny this man's accomplishments, his tenacity, his determination, his humble attitude, should teach them to go after it even more. THIS IS DESTINY! Barak is our 40 acres and a mule.................

Big Jerz said...

The supposed "inappropriateness" of your morning glee was based on the antiquated ideology that things like religion, politics, familial concerns and the like are all supposed to be private and personally upheld. In a day and age where votes are purposely misappropriated and elections are stolen, is it even possible to assume privacy with such issues anymore ? I think not ! Type in the word "failure" in a google search engine and our current president's picture pop up ! Certainly our disdain for his efforts are pretty much common fodder amongst Blue and Red states, Demis and Repubs, whites and blacks alike ! We are all publicly craving a change from our current regime ! Not a private thing whatsoever ! Furthermore, our country is certainly still suffering from racism, classism and a thousand other "isms" . The crazy thing is maybe due to your location but I strongly doubt if anyone at all would have acted like your co-workers in New Jersey or New least openly ! Yes,they would have mumbled and rolled their eyes and emailed one another messages like "she's got some nerve", but the open comment and audacity to say something to you....NEVER HAPPEN ! Shit, which is worse ? The Private Quiet hatred that you know is there but can act like its no big deal because you don't see it ? Or, the abrasive, in-your-face, You know where I stand kind of hatred ? That's the real question I the Hatred Appropriate ? After so many years and obvious advancement is it even appropriate to hate any option if its the best for our country ? Is it appropriate to promote the blood sucking behavior of the current administration with thier $4 gallons of milk and $5 gallons of gas ? Is it appropriate to not at least celebrate a possible option for change ? Shit... I'm all excited and pissed off now ! Here's a real fucked up question for a blog topic ! How can we address as a country the fact that a 30 year old husband and father of 3, raising his family the best way he can with no welfare or public assistance, breaking and busting his hump along with his wife, totally passionate about what he believes and where he stands....Can't even fucking vote in the most exciting and meaningful election of his time because of mistakes he made when he was barely a man at all. Having served a jail term and successfully completing probation without even as much as ONE single violation and 7 years later his voice still doesn't matter ? Is it appropriate to have him feel unheard and helpless when his daily grind is the very blue collar lifeblood that pumps the heart of this country ? I'm sorry I got off on a tangent...I guess it just hurts me to be that 30 year old Man. Just my thoughts People. Holla at me

Ashley M. said...

email comment -

I think you should've mentioned in some sort of fashion that their comments were blah-zay blah. Hell I am excited too. But I hope you didn't go in there with an Obama t-shirt on and a party whistle. You handled it like a "g". A lady. I mean, point black period, no matter who won, I don't think it has a place in the work place. ya know?! Well they exposed themselves as the undercover racists that we knew they were.