Okay so the two questions that I've received will probably have you all thinking for the rest of the day! LOL!!! So, let's get some answers. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. No holds barred. Be honest! Anything you feel is open for discussion. Let's get it!
Question 1 - Ok so I am not a morbid thinker, but my lover and I were talking over this past weekend and we had an intimate moment and he looked at me and he said "baby, I love you so much that I couldn't take you dying before me I would want to go before you" as we lie there tears softly rolled down my cheek because I never expected a comment like that. Some times in relationships we take so many things for granted even love..............it's amazing to me. My question is how deep do you feel about the love you have for your husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend? He really made me look at him in a totally different light. (Submitted by Rockwill)
Question 2 - Why do women want men to commit to something he knows he can't uphold ? Why not just let the dude take his time and get there when he's sure ? Damn I'm good at this shit ! LOL !!! Ladies, umm...MAN UP !!! (Submitted by big jerz)
I want to ride the wave that rockwill set in motion. I had a very brief yet profound moment yesterday with my significant other. I hadn't seen her in a few days and was missing her. Just so happens that she was close by and decided to stop by and say hello. We laughed, talked and chilled out for a few minutes, and when she left I had this feeling like.
This love is real, real love will make you do what is right to you. If you're broke, it will make you get a job or a side hustle to take care of you woman. (See,I've been thinking a lot about the fact that i really want to make sure that I can truly handle the financial aspect of our relationship as well as the emotional aspects of it.) If you're unhappy, it will make you search for and find it for yourself to better you and your relationship.
After dealing with those thoughts, i sent her a text message because I know i am a passionate person and too much verbiage can ruin a moment. I told her that her presence satisfies me to my core ... and that's exactly what i felt at the particular moment. I can feel rockwill on this vein.
When it's real, it makes you say the most profound shit and really mean it with out any trepidation. It makes you follow it up with the action required and marry it to a depth of respect that thickens your connection with your chosen one.
Live True Menfese (pr. Menfess)
Well Rockwill I think what my favorite new cousin was saying to you in that moment of post coittal bliss (DAMN MAMA YOU MUSTA LAID IT DOWN ON THE NIGGA)is scripture and proof that you're connection is GOD-Ordained even if he said it to you in a different way. Ephesians 5:25 says A husband should love his wife as much as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it. In other words DWill was saying to you...Rock I love you to DEATH. And we know that to live is Christ and to Die is gain... I'm so atrophied without Mona. When she was sick this year and in the hospital for 3 days I found myself incapable of getting into a daily flow ! I just couldn't get my shit together. I forgot to wash up one day, I couldn't get the girls bathed, fed and dressed in less than 3 or 4 hours and by the time they were dressed and ready, They were too sleepy to go anywhere and ready for naps ! LOL !!! I just couldn't... shit, I couldn't Live. Dwill was totally in pocket with his assessment...Mona definitely has to put me in the ground cause I would NOT be able to handle it any other way ! God I pray ! Scary thoughts !
Question 1: Damn... now that's deep. But honestly you and your companion have reached a point that not many ever will--even if they are married. And although we hate to think of our loved one dying, the truth is, it's a possibility. Personally, I don't really think you know how much you really love the person until you force yourself to either think about certain strenuous circumstances ( as you guys have) OR an experience causes you to reflect on your love for them. Yeah I know I love him... deeply....but I think there are so many levels that I haven't even reached yet in love--not because I can't--but because experience hasn't presented itself for me to even consider them.AndI'm not saying that something tragic always has to happen for you to reflect on your love-- But what I am saying is that time and experience does all things well... It's part of the journey...
Question to big jerz #2: I agree! there is nothing any worse than a whinning, desperate, woman. If the dude is not where you are either close the door, or stay and wait for him to get there, but I choose door number one and I'll tell you why, if I am willing to commit to you, and be only with you, and I think you are worth my time, then why the hell aren't you? If he wants to continue to play, and sleep around, and be young and immature, then that's fine, JUST DON"T WASTE MY DAMN TIME...........!!!!! whoa I'm back! Ok, if the N(*&ga can't uphold what I have to offer then he is not for me number one, and I learned along time ago, though I have a lot of love to give, I want to deposit it in an account that will make my profit grow, and if he ain't it, I got to change banks................I can't change banks, but there is always another one that can protect my love and is FDIC insured....................you feel me jerz!
(Submitted via email - RockWill)
Question to big jerz #2: I agree! there is nothing any worse than a whinning, desperate, woman. If the dude is not where you are either close the door, or stay and wait for him to get there, but I choose door number one and I'll tell you why, if I am willing to commit to you, and be only with you, and I think you are worth my time, then why the hell aren't you? If he wants to continue to play, and sleep around, and be young and immature, then that's fine, JUST DON"T WASTE MY DAMN TIME...........!!!!! whoa I'm back! Ok, if the N(*&ga can't uphold what I have to offer then he is not for me number one, and I learned along time ago, though I have a lot of love to give, I want to deposit it in an account that will make my profit grow, and if he ain't it, I got to change banks................I can't change banks, but there is always another one that can protect my love and is FDIC insured....................you feel me jerz!
(Submitted via email - RockWill)
Well since everyone jumped on RockWill's bandwagon, I'm going to tackle jerz's question. I've said in several posts that I have a tendency to think a lot like men do because of my male cousins influence and because of the male friends that I have. I see nothing wrong with giving a man the time he needs to get himself together (if this is truly someone that you want to be with). Many times women put pressure on men when it comes to commitment. If he wants to be with you but still hasn't gotten all of his ducks in a row just yet . . . WAIT! If you feel that he's worth waiting for . . . WAIT! I see nothing wrong with that. I'm not the type of woman that feels the need to pressure any man - at least not a man that I truly love and know loves me. He's been honest - "I'm not quite ready yet but I do love you and I do want to be with you." WAIT! That's all I can say. I'm not sure if that's the answer you all were looking for but that's what I got out of the question. Holla atcha girl!
Question 1-
Real Love is a pretty intense thing. Love will make you kill, fight, die, deny yourself...... The love i have for my husband(John) is unexplainable. Sometimes i find myself sitting and just thinking about all the things we've survive as a couple(before marriage and in the marriage)... if it wasn't for LOVE, there would be no Mona and John.
1 Corinthians 13
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.
(Submitted by M. Boyd)
Question 2-
I think some women become so desperate in relationships that they ask for that commitment already knowing the dude will not be able to comply. Just hearing him says, “He will” at that moment is satisfaction enough for her. In the long run, she sets herself up for disappointment and heartache that can last days, weeks, or even years.
To Question 2, A lot of women feel like it defines them. And a lot of women just don't wanna be alone. Some women do it because, "oh all my friends are in relationships..." So stupid. Not a good idea. When you pressure anybody to do anything, their natural reaction is to rebel or go against it...esPECially when they aren't really interested in doing it.
(Submitted by J. Peele)
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