Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ummmm, no. Ashley is NOT pregnant. At least not with a human fetus. LOL!!!! I just got to thinking a moment ago. On Sunday I'm dancing to a song by TD Jakes entitled Manifest and the song elaborately illustrates ones pregnancy with the things that have been promised to us, the things we've been gifted to do, and the things that we've toiled and travailed to see come to fruition. So, I was thinking (and still am) about the things that I've worked so hard to see manifest themselves and be tangible in my life. Namely the two manuscripts that I'm working on, true love (even if it's just truly loving ME), and an abundance of happiness (even if I'm not happy for a steady 24 hours - happiness nonetheless). So, I'm still thinking and thinking and curious to see where you all are. We haven't touched bases blog-wise since last year and I wanted to see what you all wanted to see happen for yourselves, your families, and your loved ones by 11:59pm on December 31, 2009. What are your dreams? How do you want this year to roll out? Where do you want to be in 337 days? I mean let's face it, that's all we have left. What are you pregnant with? What baby have you nurtured and cultivated so much so that your time has come to push? I may not get any hits but above all of the deep discussions we've had over the course of the last few months, I think this one is a GREAT one! So hit me back! I don't think it's a coincidence that we've reached the year ending in the number nine - the number of months it takes for a baby to be ready to deliver itself and from a biblical standpoint the number nine represents gifts given (spiritually speaking). So, I really, really want to know! Who's waddling and ready to push out greatness?