Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Weighting Game (Another Ashley Poem)

Hey guys! Damn I've missed ya'll. Listen . . . real quick. I just wrote this so, tell me what you think and I'll holla as inspiration hits. I'm learning to write from inspiration and not situation. Thanks V!

The Weighting Game

September 25, 2008

Poem by: Ashley McCann

Last night I waited for your call and in the interim I began the weighting game

A solo act to evaluate where things had left me

I thought of you all the while but this inevitably had nothing and everything to do with you

Similar to the time lapsing entertainment of a mind-numbing game of solitaire

I waited for you and weighted solely for me

If I wanted us to really get together, I needed to get me together

The things that I’d put on the backburner – neglected because I’d succumb to something new

Something that left me weightless and I waited

I put that lonely feeling that I felt on and that emptiness that had gone untouched . . .

I draped it over my shoulder

The confusion that a past lover had forced on me, I wrapped that around my mind

The weighting game, no longer weightless because of you

I was weighted because of my past and I waited . . .

I continued dressing and draping myself in all the things that had caused such a rude awakening

The irony – this was the only way to heal . . . to address the many issues that had tainted my capacity to love again

Tainted, yes but not obliterated

To get us together, I had to get me together

So I stopped waiting on you and I weighted on me

I confronted the trust trigger and draped it around my waste . . .

The residue of acrimony crept in and settled where I was . . .

Where I weighted and I had to own that too

I weighted and waited and weighted and waited and . . .

Acknowledged why each article had caused me to look at YOU in the same manner

Almost making you pay for something that you really knew little about . . .

I didn’t want to slip up and allow a misunderstanding between us be a trigger for me to . . .
Have to wait again so . . .

I weighted in my hearts weighting room . . .

My period of weighting isn’t over but it’s not as dense as . . .

And now I’m waiting on . . . you . . .

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